Earn extra on floor plansLightning-fast floor scans for real estate photographers & agentsStart for free →Learn more ↓
A better way to create floor plansUse your iOS device to scan entire apartments in minutesNo post-production: an accurate plan is immediately ready to send to the clientSee what makes PanoRoom unique →
+500% faster than a typical floor captureAdvantages for Real Estate ProfessionalsOffer extra service with little effortStand out from the competition, earn extra incomeGet more leads per listing, sell more estates in the same timeSee how on-the-go floor plans can change your business →
Try it for yourself, risk-freeNo additional hardware or upfront costsHigh-quality floor plans with 97% accuracy, dimensions, room areas and solar orientation (PDF/PNG)Unlimited floor plans for $9.49/monthStart for free →Download sample plans →